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  • Writer's picturebelivingintruth

Unapologetically, emotional

There is no doubt about it, if you know me, you know I cry, laugh and move. I am an "over-the-top" kinda gal. At one point (actually many points) in my life I would feel as though my emotions had to be masked due to those I was around. Then I realized something, I am just like my Abba when I cry, laugh and move. Did you know God is emotional just like you and me?

The woman you see today has been created and formed from the woman I was yesterday. There are a few Scriptures I want to lay as our foundation before we build each other up to be unapologetically emotional.

  • - Ecclesiastes 3:1There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens...

  • - John 11:35 Jesus wept.

  • - Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love...

There is no doubt in my mind, heart and body that I am emotional being. I am learning to find comfort in me, being me.

Question: How did I come to a place or accepting who I am, emotionally?

Answer: Reading the Word of God to find like-emotional people, praying to Abba about my emotions, and learning more about these emotions.

Question: Have I mastered these emotions?

Answer: No, but I am learning to each and every day.

I am emotional: joyful, sad, grateful, hopeful, humble, goofy, fearful, angry, loving, and more.

As I began my journey in 2019, I started to experience new emotions. I would cry while worshipping at church, laugh for no real reason and even disconnect all together form those around me. And for absolutely no reason. Truthfully, it set an alarm system off in my entire body and I began searching as to why it was happening. I started asking Abba why I was feeling sad, overwhelmed, anxious, suicidal, and more. He graciously let me in on a heavenly secret - You obtain part of Me in this world, My heart. Therefore, you experience people, life and circumstances the way I do.

What Abba was essentially saying was I obtain the gift of mercy. The gift of mercy can be described as being emotional for someone by expressing compassion, words or actions. For instance, me crying for no reason was not a compound or complex internal confusion. It was me being tuned into my friend's prayer requests while being wrapped up in the Holy Spirit all wrapped into one body - my body - to then outwardly express their emotions for many different reasons. The gift of mercy is a spiritual gift, it is one that you receive only from God Almighty and it is not to be taken lightly. However, within that same regard, the gift of mercy also comes with quite a bit of a challenge.

You may cry, laugh, and move in ways you cannot fully understand and that is okay. Not all women are fully emotional. However, everyone is created in the image of God. Therefore, in one way or another, we obtain His heart in this world. We may not all weep for those we are praying for or think the thoughts of others, but you have a special gift (more than one, to be honest with you) inside of you that cannot be taken lightly.

I am going to attach the spiritual gifts test to this link so you can take it for yourself to see where you most connect to God. Once you have completed the tests, check out the blog post "Spiritual Gifts" to see how you align with God, others, and get a better idea of the being God has you becoming each and everyday!

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